WELCOME to the Lifeline Haiti Blog

WELCOME to the Lifeline Haiti Blog
(TO SEE OUR WEB SITE CLICK ON THE ABOVE PICTURE) Lifeline Haiti and Bridges of Hope exists to promote poverty relief and community empowerment within nations of the world. This mission is achieved in cooperation with Governments, donor organizations and individuals. Implementation is accomplished in cooperation with local business & Spiritual Leaders, individuals, & indigenous organizations within the region of operation and by building the capacity of these partners. The goal is to build the assets of these partners to become sustainable and reproducing agents and transition from beneficiaries to benefactors.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Some of the adults that attend one of our adult schools

Meeting with some of the adults that attend our Chabin location. This has been such a huge encouragement for them to learn to read, write and arithmetic. The day was full meeting with all the parents of the high school along with the elementary school parents. I had set school up this year to give each student every opportunity to pass. To do this I have the teacher keep back each day any student that is having difficulty with a subject and tutor them till they get it. This is a great opportunity for one on one teaching. The parents didn't understand what I was trying to do so the meeting today made it clear for them and they are excited about this. The problem we have is that our schools are so full that if we have children that fail we will not have enough room in the classroom for them the following year with the number of children passing into their grade from the previous year would put us over our limit as the standard set by the Haitian Government. Everyone left the meetings very excited and grateful for the opportunity their children are receiving.

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