These precious children and hundreds of others are waiting to attend school this year but we need your help. To adopt a project or portions of a project see list of costs below. We have five additional schools in desperate need of support and without your help they will not be able to attend school.
Costs per school based on 150 children per school...........
Materials and labor to build desks and tables per school ........... $1,300.00/yr.
All the school books for each school................................ $800.00/yr.
Food for the year per school or you can break it down per mon........$11,215.00
Teachers salaries based on 6 teachers per school for the year....... $6,485.00/yr.
Rent for building .................................................. $2100.00/yr.
Cooks salary........................................................ $500.00/yr.
Uniforms........................................................... $3,000.00
Cost per month..................................................... $2,108.66
Cost per year per school .......................................... $25,304.25
Please drop me a note if you can help in any one or all of these needs. E-mail address ..........
Bob & Linda
Lifeline Haiti