WELCOME to the Lifeline Haiti Blog

WELCOME to the Lifeline Haiti Blog
(TO SEE OUR WEB SITE CLICK ON THE ABOVE PICTURE) Lifeline Haiti and Bridges of Hope exists to promote poverty relief and community empowerment within nations of the world. This mission is achieved in cooperation with Governments, donor organizations and individuals. Implementation is accomplished in cooperation with local business & Spiritual Leaders, individuals, & indigenous organizations within the region of operation and by building the capacity of these partners. The goal is to build the assets of these partners to become sustainable and reproducing agents and transition from beneficiaries to benefactors.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


This holy night is radiant with the brilliance of your one true Light. May that Light illuminate our hearts and shine in our words and deeds. May the hope, the peace, the joy and the love represented by the birth in BETHLEHEM this night fill our lives and become part of all that
we say and do. May we share this divine life of your son Jesus Christ, even as he humbled
himself to share our humanity.

May God be glorified and may people of goodwill once again experience his peace.

When the song of the angels is stilled
When the star in the sky is gone
When the Kings and Princes are home
When the shepherds are back with the flock
then the work of Christmas begins:
...to find the lost,
...to heal those broken in spirit,
...to feed the hungry,
...to release the oppressed,
...to rebuild the nations,
...to bring peace among all people,

...and to radiate the Light and Life of Christ,
every day, in every way, in all that we do and in all that we say.

Then the work of CHRISTMAS begins.

God Bless ...... Bob, Linda,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Update Manitoba trip

Click on picture to enlarge

We had a wonderful trip to Manitoba... it was great to see many of you that have been supporting our work in Haiti... we had meetings at the University of Winnipeg, St. Mary's Academy, and others in Selkirk, Steinback, Winkler and Cascade Colony ... we are excited to announce the partnership we have with the University of Winnipeg with there Lost Prize Program... Professor Dave Bell will be our University Professor and Student Coordinator for Lifeline Haiti... bellfrit@mymts.net ... as you look at the picture, Dave is on the left and the Dean/Professor, Faculty of Education for the University of Winnipeg is Ken McCluskey, PhD is on the right side of the picture..."Kari McCluskey, Community Liaison Worker with Interlake School Division, will be supporting our efforts to connect with the public schools."

Below is an outline of the goal and objectives of the Lost Prize Program...


- To use research to guide and inform planning, and employ best practices in the gifted education and at-risk domains.

-To establish innovative academic and social programs to identify and develop the talents of high-ability, at-risk young people.

-To help the students learn more effective coping and problem solving strategies.

-To take a strength-based rather than a deficit approach for vulnerable youth.

-To embrace and respond to the diverse set of student needs and challenges.

-To encourage staff to become "talent spotters," who look for positives in their students on a daily basis.

-To develop the skills of educators working with marginalized young people.

-To utilize a variety of assessment strategies to gauge and improve student academic and social progress in tangible and specific ways.

-To share lessons learned with the field (through P.D. sessions, courses, and publications.)


- Initial, on-site training. Educators in partnering countries will receive training from University of Winnipeg faculty and staff (and from some provincial and international "program associates".

- Start-up guidance, direction, and mentoring. After our foreign partners have been prepared for the challenge, seasoned veteran administrators from Manitoba will work in the school or alternative program - for one to two years - to help set the tone, overcome initial obstacles, and provide tangible, in-the-trenches assistance.

- Assumption of full responsibility. After the periods of training and mentoring have been completed, our partners will take full charge of the schools and programs in their country.

- Follow up. In an effort to prevent gradual programmatic erosion and deterioration, Manitoba educators will provide on-going follow up and assistance as necessary. To ensure sustainability, younger, prepared-at-UW teachers will be training to carry on the work over the long term (as the seasoned veterans and project initiators take the time to secure the gains by, in effect, replacing themselves).

I have more beautiful art work donated to us from one of the girls at the Cascade Colony. We will post them on line another day to sell on line....

Thank you to each for making a difference...

Thursday, December 8, 2011


We have just returned from meetings in Manitoba... photo's are of the cinder block plant at our Chabin location... photo of the gate going into the plant, the cinder block press, finished cinder blocks and the piles of crushed rock... this has been a long process but so worth it.. we will be able to produce 1500 cinder blocks per day... thank you to all that made donations to help us complete this project......